



Look Ma! No hands!

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I've mentioned before that I have trouble falling asleep. In the past year, however, this has not been a problem.

Pregnancy was pretty effective at tuckering me out. When I wasn't up going to the bathroom, or being kicked awake by the fetus, I was solidly asleep.

The screaming infant in the next room did an even better job of ensuring that my head-on-pillow time was not wasted. If he quieted down long enough for me to close my eyes, I would sleep like the dead for nine and a half of the ten minutes before he started wailing again.

Now, though, Cael is starting to get the hang of sleeping through the night. He's not perfect at it, but he's getting there. (His daytime naps are a completely different story. *grumble, grumble*) He's in his crib at 7:30 at night and pretty much contents himself to be there until 4:30 or 5 the next morning. This allows for me to get in bed at 9:30 or 10:00 and lie awake until 1:30, contemplating such important issues as abortion, presidential infomercials, and whether or not I have to vacuum tomorrow.

As I lie awake wondering how it is possible for me to screw up every recipe I attempt and trying to decide which I should fail at tomorrow night, I hear a noise. It's an odd half-groan, half-moan that fades in and then out in a couple of seconds. What is this crazy noise? Where is it coming from?

Apparently, it's coming from me.

It appears that when I'm in bed I'm not fully in control of my vocal chords. For some reason, every once in a while I just make this noise. It's happened about a dozen times in the last few nights. It utterly perplexes me. Why am I doing this? How is it that I'm not in control? Am I delirious?

I asked Ryan if I groan/moaned at night and he said, "Yeah," in a way that said, "Duh. You didn't know that?"

I don't know whether to be more bothered by the fact that I actually make this weird noise or by the fact that I have to listen to it. That's like making people listen to their own snoring. Not the way it's supposed to work!
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New skill!

"If I've told you once, I've told you a million times: I want the wipes WARM, dang it. How would you feel if someone put an ice cube in your diaper?!"

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"Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some seven-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? Yet, I have heard senior members of my own party drop the suggestion, 'He's a Muslim and he might be associated terrorists.' This is not the way we should be doing it in America."

Colin Powell, part of his endorsement of Senator Obama. October 19, 2008.

Because more disturbing than the fact that it's a lie is the fact that it's being used as an insult, an obscenity. Being Muslim isn't a crime, it isn't un-American. There's nothing, nothing wrong or negative about it. Muslim-Americans pay taxes just like you and me - they go to school, go to work, raise families. They fight for this country, die for this country, just the same as Christians, Catholics or Jews. By using Muslim as an insult, these people are not hurting Obama, they are hurting the country - a country that claims to celebrate freedom, diversity and equality but, in practice, appears to do none of these things.
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Moar food, Mom!

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Grinning, drooling - he can do it all!

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Trickery for treats!

I figured out how to get Cael to eat cereal.

Simply put something - besides the spoon full of cereal - in front of his face. He will instinctively lean toward it with his mouth open. Intercept with spoon!

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Food: Day Four

It's fascinating.

This little fella will put everything in his mouth. Unless he's sleeping, there's a 99% chance that there is something in there.

Usually, it's his hands. He jams those puppies so far into his gob he chokes himself. When he gets his diaper changed, he nibbles on his toes. He gnaws on my fingers, my arms. On more than one occasion, he's tried to eat Clio's ear. Every single toy he owns has been gummed, licked, and sucked - and has the battle scars to prove it. Ryan had to stop reading Goodnight Moon last night because Cael wanted to find out what that particular variety of cardboard tasted like.

The only thing he won't open his mouth for? Rice cereal.
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Food: Day One

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Any guesses why he's crying?

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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