


Wednesday, December 29

Boys vs. Girls

Cael: Mama, you are a girl.
Allie: That's right. I am. Do you know any other girls?
Cael: Lolo.
Allie: Yup! Lolo's a girl. Anyone else?
Cael: Grandma Tracey!
Allie: Right! Anyone else?
Cael: Andy!
Allie: Andy's not a girl! Andy's a boy.
Cael: That's silly, Mama. Andy's a girl!
Allie: I'm pretty sure he's a boy.
Cael: That's silly!
Allie: And guess what's even sillier - your dad's a boy too!
Cael: [laughs hysterically]


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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