


Tuesday, November 2


I’ve decided I’m not incredibly fond of the monster that I have become. Just call me Lazysaurus. Sure, indolence is a virtue. But I think I need to look into having more than one enviable quality. So, in my effort to perk up my future personal ads, I’ve made some November resolutions.

1) Get your lazy good for nothing ass out of bed before 9… or 10. Ten. Definitely ten.
2) Though running in bed is highly amusing, it is not as effective as running around the neighborhood. Give that a try.
3) Because of excess Halloween consumption, candy or chocolate of any form is hereby forbidden for 30 days.
4) Do push-ups every night. Perhaps thirty. Maybe one day you’ll be able to do real push-ups. (Otherwise Arnold has permission to call you a girlie-man.)
5) Only vampires stay awake until 6am. So stop it. You’re not a vampire.
6) Figure out whatever is up with the funk you’re in and snap out of it. The people need their funny blogs. They deserve their funny blogs.
7) Stop making fun of vegetarians. They can’t help it.
8) Stop making fun of Bush fans. They can’t help it
9) Start driving. You’ll never learn how to deal with California drivers or figure out how the hell to get from place to place until you try.
10) Stop using the imaginary brake when Ryan drives. Lord knows it doesn’t work, anyway.
11) Stop watching Matt and Patti through the glass doors while they sleep. One of these days they're going to catch you.

There you have it. I figured if I posted this information, I'd be more likely to follow through. We shall see. I have Ryan tasked to be my personal Hitler. I think he's pumped.


at: 7:36 PM said...

Your thoughts were intersting. It made me wonder why why all those psychics are they all still working if know the winning lottery numbers?

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