


Tuesday, August 29

I *hiccup* do

So, I'm doing some research for the wedding ceremony, trying desperately to find something for us to do (as tempted as I am to have us read scripture or, I don't know -- juggle). While browsing the web for options, I came across several references to a 'Wine Ceremony'. I'd never heard of it before, but apparently it's not uncommon. It's pretty much the equivalent of a Unity Candle in that it's the combining of two separate entities. But, ya know, with red and white wine.

I can just hear Dad's disgusted cry: "In the same glass!?!?!"

He won't even let me pour fresh wine into a glass that previously had a different wine in it. Not even if it's the same vineyard, same type and the only difference is the year.

Ps. Today Ryan fell in an open manhole. His pride will take longer to heal than his busted knee.


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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