


Friday, December 16


Um... totally disappointed in you people. I know you lurk. Where are your slang sentences? Hmm???

Adam - dude. Appreciate the effort but your sentence made no sense. Nice work on the incorrect spelling though... that was right on.

Ryan and I are headed back to Oregon for the holidays... and I'm afraid. Not of being home. Of the drive. I fear driving.

I used to be a good driver - I swear I did. Driving around in lil' old Shadow I was outdriven only by Lauren and Mario himself (Andretti, not Kart). Then I got the 4Runner. And, let the record reflect, I loved the 4Runner. We were buddies, pals. All was fine and dandy until that fateful afternoon when I got in an accident. Man, was that a ride.

Picture if you will...

Me, Ryan and Ryan's girlfriend at the time, Kelly. Ryan and Kelly were in a fight. This made our little roadtrip up to Spokanne in the dead of winter even chillier. They were not speaking with one another, nor were they speaking with me. Ryan, however, paid me the courtesy of writing an apology on the back of a receipt. There we were, driving along... then ice, slide, cars... blah blah blah crunch.

It shook me to the core.

I couldn't even fully appreciate the cliched plumbers crack that the tow-truck driver was sporting.

That's how messed up I was.

Anyway, after that I lost all confidence -- a horrible thing to happen to a driver --the following years were filled with much jumping of curbs. (Never could handle those corners...)

This inability to drive has stuck with me, and as a result I have Ryan drive everywhere. Even if he's just running in somewhere and it would be so much easier if I just dropped him off and circled the block... he drives.

In an effort to get back into the swing of things we tried the circle-the-block technique yesterday. I drove the mile and a half to his bank and circled while he used the ATM. I think I got two, 'Um...go's, one 'what are you doing', an 'any day now' and one 'you honestly don't know how to get there from here' all before we hit the bank.


Needless to say he has decided we'll go back to him driving.

But this brings me back to why I'm scared. We're taking two cars to Oregon... and I'm driving one of them. All the way. Straight.


/crosses fingers

Scared yet?


at: 9:33 PM said...

Al, let's face it. you have always been a horrible driver. i love you, but it is true. remember the sign incident in SR? and what about that time you hit the gas, and felt yourself going backwards so you pressed down harder, not realizing you were in reverse? and you remember that 4 runner do you? do you also recall that every time i was in that car with you you ran over the curb? literally every time. you tried to prove it to me once that you wouldnt so i would stop saying that, but you did even then. there are some things you just have to accept, sweety.

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Ryan and Allie
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