



Place Your Bets

Baby Carty #3 will be joining us on March 2, 2012.

Now accepting predictions!

Info that may help you:

Pitocin will be administered at approximately 8 am, which is when it was administered for both Cael and Finn.

Born 6:23 pm
7 lbs 3 oz

Born 12:53 pm
7 lbs 11 oz

Place your bets! Gender? Time? Weight?

Anyone that bets later than 7 pm will be frowned upon for sending long labor juju my way. Winner will get the honor of doing ten diaper changes (at his or her convenience)! All other contestants will win a single diaper change just for entering.
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The first 75 don't count.

Guess which movie Cael's currently addicted to.

If the baby is a boy, he wants to name it Tommy. If it's a girl, Shipoopi.

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Snow Days!

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Finn's face rash has been with us so long that it feels like a part of the family. His doctor is currently in the, "I don't know. Maybe if we try this?" mode of treatment, which is what I've been in since the thing first showed up. I'm entirely sure neither of us know what we're doing and poor Finn has had so much stuff shmeared on his cheeks for so long that he probably thinks that's just a part of everyone's daily routine.

Currently, in addition to New Shmear, we're trying a round of antibiotics. This involves 7 ml of bright pink liquid taken orally twice a day. The medicine comes with a big syringe thing so you can squirt it straight into his mouth.

Inexplicably, Finn does not enjoy this.

Methods Allie has tried to get the medicine down:

Coating the syringe in sugar
Promising treats
Promising trips

I eventually settled on brute force, as it's the only way I can get it in his mouth, even if most of it ends up spit back out. The past five days have made both Finn and I cry several times, and have turned half a dozen shirts Pepto Pink. (That's the new black, right?)

Along comes Dad.

Methods Ryan has tried to get the medicine down:

Put it in a cup and let him drink it.

Moral of the story: When you hear hooves think, "Why the hell am I using a syringe?"

Also: Let Dad do it.
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Third Pregnancy

Also entitled: WAIT, WAIT. I GOT THIS.

Apparently now that my body has completed two pregnancies, it thinks it qualifies as an expert. It's got the check-list out and is just going through the stages and saying, "Yeah, I remember that. I can do that. GO TIME.

"Let's bring on the aches and pains! Waddling, excessive weight gain, sleeplessness, graphic nightmares, peeing every 30 seconds? YOU BETCHA. Disengage the pelvis? DON'T MIND IF I DO! Lactating? I DON'T SEE WHY NOT! Wait -- we still have two months? OH WELL. WE'RE READY ANYWAY."

I share my practitioner's concern that I'm not going to make it through the doors of the hospital. This baby's coming out in the parking lot.

Guess I should have Ryan read that chapter on how to deliver in an elevator.
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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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