


Saturday, May 23

Parks and rec

Because it has been so sunny and gorgeous here, we've been taking lots of trips to the park. We've sampled a few of the local spots and settled on South Village park as our favorite because it has tot-sized toys and less moms. (The latter, of course, being the biggest draw. Small talk! Curses!)

I think Cael's becoming a park addict, however. Today at Bush he threw a tantrum every time Lauren and I would try to take him out of the swing. Such a diva. Eventually we just had to drag him away screaming until the swing was out of sight.

Other news: Cael had his first haircut with Tina, and Aunt Lauren bought him shiny new shoes. (No wonder he's become a diva. Spoiled.)

Photos of the beach trip and graduation to come later, when Uncle Marty the Uber Photographer gets us copies of his pics. (Chop, chop Uncle Marty!)


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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