Cael has been a big brother for almost three months now and he's still learning what exactly that job entails.
He makes sure to kiss Finn goodnight before heading to bed, he's very insistent that the baby's blanket always be with the baby, and this afternoon he tickled Finn and booped him on the nose (which was as exactly adorable as it sounds).
On the other end of the spectrum, Cael has been caught kicking, hitting and throwing things at Finn on numerous occasions.
Love and abuse are a delicate balance when it comes to brothers.
Since Cael doesn't have a brother role model, however, he's venturing into the land of mother as well.
He's very concerned with Finn's cleanliness, which is a good thing. He likes to pick up any dropped rags and give them back to his brother, and he will be the first to point out that Finn's spit up with an enthusiastic, "Uh oh! Mess!" and a finger in the baby's direction. Cael's also very helpful when Finn needs a fresh diaper from the bag or his laundry needs to be put in the hamper.
And when those things just don't seem like enough, Cael steps up to relieve me of the most motherly duty of all by lifting his shirt, pointing to his nipple and saying, "milk!"
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