


Monday, October 25

Tank 2.0

After the tragic loss of Lizzie, we found a new partner for John. She's smaller, cuter and spunkier. Lizzie would hate her, but I bet John thinks it's an upgrade. Meet Winona:

When we got Winona we also got Bum and Bull, the bumblebee snails. They help Ryan clean the tank. This is Bum:

We've had those three for a few months now. Unintentionally, we've also been collecting really freaky looking worm parasites and little buggy things that scamper when the light turns on. They creep me out. In order for me to get within ten feet of the tank, these baddies must be removed. There are to be no worms in the house, omg!

Yesterday we returned to the fish store and made a few more friends whose purpose in life is to eat the skeevies while looking pretty.




It's been 24 hours and there's still some nasty stuff scurrying around. I'm giving these three 'til the end of the week and if they don't make a dent I'm buying someone with a bigger jaw. Die, worms!!


at: 8:36 PM said...

I hope all of the pretty ones do the job and are keepers
G-Grandma Mead

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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