


Sunday, September 20

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Yesterday, while Cael was minding his own business on the living room couch, Declan bounced, fell, and donkey kicked him in the face.  The result was a lot of blood and a seriously wiggly tooth that moments before had only been a gently budging one.

This was very traumatic for poor Cael, who is already missing two on the top - one from an accident on the playground that removed it prematurely - and has only just recently grown his bottom two to the height that they're effective in chewing.

When he went to bed last night he made us assure him, as he always does when his teeth are on their last leg, that he would't swallow it in his sleep.  We did.

Which, turns out, was possibly a lie.

About ten minutes after Cael woke up, he was munching happily on his donut when he cried out, "WAIT, IS MY TOOTH GONE?"  And it was.

After a search of beds and paths taken, the tooth was not found.  No one remembers if he had it before the first bite, so we cannot assure him it was the donut's fault.  Basically he will never sleep with a loose tooth again.

To make matters worse, Cael, my sweet sensitive Cael, decided long ago that he wasn't going to exchange his teeth for Tooth Fairy money.  Instead, he keeps them all safe in a small treasure box, presumably so he can make a necklace out of them when he completes the collection.  Now he's devastated that his collection will be short one tooth - so devastated, in fact, that Ryan made a promise no one wants to keep.

He's vowed to go digging.

Don't worry, we'll sanitize the necklace before we let him wear it.


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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