


Friday, July 20

So, Yeah. That Went Well.

Cael:  How did the first people be born when there were no bellies?
Mama: That's a very, very good question, Cael!  [Explains evolution.]

[10 minutes later]

Cael: Daddy!  Daddy!  Before there were people we turned into monkeys!  And then dogs!  And then bellies!

...We're going to have to revisit this.


at: 8:23 PM said...

That was a really good question from Cael. Just keep the answer simple is all. LOL I love that he is thinking so deep. Keep it up Cael! G-G J JHM

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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