


Wednesday, December 22


I left my purse at the movie theatre the other day. Downtown Hollywood and I just walk away from my purse. How dumb is that? Not only were my wallet, cell phone, and car keys in there... so was my digital camera. Luckily for me, I went to the movie with Loren. The day before my unbelievable stupidity Loren found a purse in a parking lot and turned it in. So when I went to check with lost and found, I found that someone had done the same for me. I guess I used up Loren's good purse karma. Hopefully she won't need it anytime soon.

Ryan recently decided that he would be a nice driver. You know those jerks who drive on the shoulder so that they can cut in further down the highway and skip all the traffic? The guys who you curse and hope they are never allowed to merge? Ryan lets them in. We went shopping the Sunday before Christmas at the Glendale Galleria. This shopping center was so freaking busy that not only did they have cones set up and people directing traffic, they also had police officers in the streets surrounding the parking structures in order to keep everything running smoothly. We had been waiting in line to get into the structure for about five minutes when we were two cars away from the entrance. This jerk came up in the median and tried to nose in front of us. I, of course, started getting angry. What makes this guy so superior that he doesn't have to wait in line or abide by the laws of traffic like the rest of us? Who does he think he is? And if he even thinks for a second that we will forfeit our coveted spot and let this a-hole in he is gravely... yeah. Then Ryan waves him in front of us.

Allie: What the hell do you think you're doing? That guy didn't wait in line! He's going to take our spot now. There's going to be a spot that opens up that should have been ours that now this jerk gets because you have this stupid new "be nice" policy! I didn't sign on for this! I don't want to wait another half hour because you have no mean side!
Ryan: Don't worry.
Allie: What? Don't worry? We've been waiting five minutes just to get off the freaking street! The line of cars is so long that I can't even see the end of it! We have to wait for the shoppers to come out one by one!
Ryan: It will all work out. Just watch. We're going to get a spot that we wouldn't have gotten because I let this guy in front of us.
Allie: Yeah, right. And I'm Santa Clause.
[A man with shopping bags walks between us and The Jerk and proceeds to signal to Ryan that he'll be leaving and taking his Land Rover with the front row parking spot with him.]
Ryan: This year I'd like a flat screen monitor for my computer.


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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