


Wednesday, July 9

I knew "Poo" would need its own tag...

Let me preface this with a fun fact: Cael has reached the stage in his development when he only poos once a week. The quantity of poo per week has not decreased with the frequency, if you get my drift.

Picture this:

Ryan and I parked in the Costco lot. Miles of blacktop make the already 90+ degree day even hotter. The car is literally filled to capacity. We cannot see out the back window and could not have held another passanger, another suitcase or Tinkerbell's left slipper if our lives depended on it.

Cael has not eaten for four hours and is understandably ravenous. Once he finishes, I'm sitting in the passanger side with one very full baby. He poos for the first time in four days. There's no flat surface (besides aforementioned blacktop) so I have to change him on my lap.

This is precarious. I don't have a tiny car, but he's become a kicker/stretcher, and the way he was wiggling, his feet spent most of the time jammed in my ribs while his head kept bopping the glove compartment.

It started with spitting. A lot of spitting. He got the gearshift, Ryan over in the driver's seat and filled the cupholder. It was a mess. This was before we opened the diaper.

I'll spare you the gorey details (too late for that?) but let me just say, and I kid you not, this little ball of juices actually pees, poos and urps at the same time in such massive quanitites that I'm still trying to figure out where it all came from - and it's all over me, myself and my heretofore unspoiled auto.

Obviously, Cael was confused. He thought that because we bought Costo bulk packs of wipes and diapers he actually had to use them ALL AT ONCE.

Silly rabbit. I figured that one out after my run in with the Costo bulk box of 100 Grand candy bars.

Talk about urping...


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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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