


Wednesday, March 31

Allie: 8, Cell Phones: 1

I've had one cell that made it through a two-year contract in one piece. It was the first one I ever had. It probably helped that it was the size and weight of a brick.

Since then not a single phone has passed the test. One didn't survive its trip into the shower, another fell into the toilet and a few were dropped. Lately, they've just been committing suicide before I have the chance to off them. I think they're on to my strong dislike of phones and just decide a life as Allie's Phone isn't a life worth living. I can't say that I blame them, but it'd be nice to be able to reserve my phone purchases for contract renewal discounts.

This contract period has seen the death of three phones. Two to technical glitches that were beyond both my control and the warranty. My third and most recent phone was an Ebay purchase from some company in Hong Kong. It was never a great phone (mostly because it insisted on the "Hello Moto!" ringtone and would not stay changed no matter how many times I tried to fix it) but it worked. Right up until it spontaneously shattered.

It was spontaneous, I swear!

I'm pretty sure this is the Technology Gods telling me I shouldn't get an iPhone.


Kathy says:
at: 8:35 PM said...

Or else someone is screaming at you, like shattering a wine glass, do you suppose? Just kidding of course.

Unknown says:
at: 8:51 PM said...

Poor Allie...wear it around your neck as older people do their reading glasses. Finn will learn to use it possibly faster than Cael did, if that is possible!

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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