


Tuesday, June 8

My morning - let me show you it.

It all started a month or so ago when I tried to eat breakfast. CRITICAL ERROR.

Cael used to be a lover of plain yogurt out of the big tub. Alas, having been exposed to his mom's little containers of strawberry flavored yogurt, he realized that he had been missing out - not only on flavor, color and sugar, but on some fun little containers.

So, like anyone with a heart a sucker, I started letting him share my yogurts. Eventually, he got his own individual yogurts for breakfast. He loved them. He'd eat two or three every morning. Which, at $.79 each, is a little much.

At this point I know two things: 1) I'm going to have to switch to the big tubs again, 2) he's not going to like it.

My brilliant solution was to get him a flavor he'd never tried and some cute little storage cups and prepackage them when he wasn't looking. Well, part two of the plan failed before take-off because the store didn't have any cute storage cups. But part one was a go. Peach yogurt!

So, Cael's in his high chair, ready for breakfast and requesting yogurt.

Allie: Peach yogurt?
Cael: Peach yogurt!
[Allie pulls out the tub.]
Cael: No! Yogurt!
Allie: This is yogurt.
Cael: NO!
[Allie dishes out some yogurt and Cael swings wildly for the refrigerator. The tears begin. (Cael's. Allie's come later.)]
Cael: No! Yogurt!
Allie: This is yogurt.
Allie: Cael, this is yogurt. It's peach!
Cael: No! Yogurt! Yogurt!

Fast forward 33 minutes. (Yes, I timed it.)

Finn was in my arms, screaming. Cael was in his chair, covered in orange-colored yogurt. It was in his hair, his eyes, and was so thick on his hands that it had created webbing between his fingers. His face was red, his tears were huge, and he was shouting, "NO BABY! NO BABY!" He had refused offers of eggs, pancakes, toast, cereal, oatmeal, my third-born child...

I settled Finn down from screaming to crying and put him in his bouncer. I returned to the kitchen.

Allie: Okay, here's how it's going to work. You're going to take two bites of yogurt. Two. Then we're going to go get your blanket and we'll watch one episode of Diego.
Cael: Watch Diego.
Allie: Yogurt first.
Cael: Watch Diego!
Allie: Yogurt first.

I scooped up a spoonful of yogurt and gave it to him. He spit it out. At least, I think he did. It wasn't in his mouth, but whatever might have fallen was immediately lost in the orange horror that was his bib. After a few more attempts, he actually swallowed a bite.

Allie: Okay, that's one. One more.

The second bite went down.

Allie: All done?
Cael: More?

I ended up spoon-feeding him everything I could scrape off the splattered tray.


See, Cael? You like peach yogurt. You could have spared the three of us a good deal of suffering - and we wouldn't now be in need of a big gulp to replenish the water we lost in tears - if you just would have taken a bite half an hour ago!

Moral of the story: Allie shouldn't even consider eating the Cinnabon sitting all gooey and cream-cheesy in the microwave.

Allie + tasty breakfast = bad idea.


Kathy says:
at: 11:45 AM said...

Oh my, sounds like a power struggle!

at: 5:05 PM said...

Put that stuff in a washed out little container when he's napping. Of course...you set the law down and let him know screaming doesn't work! Way to go Alliegirl! Mark's issue was spaghettios versus homemade spaghetti!


KC says:
at: 6:38 PM said...

Hang in there Allie, you did GREAT!! He's just testing you of course and this will make things easier when you're out in public and he knows Mom will outlast him should he choose to stage a power struggle! The oldest ones always resist. (It's because they are so smart :D )

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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