


Saturday, August 26


I'm easily impressed with myself. Today, I have deemed myself of rare and superior intelligence because I already knew the Word of the Day from Dictionary.com. Sure, it was 'denizen' and I only learned it because I was in Guys and Dolls twice *shudders at the memories*, but hey, I'll see myself in whatever light I want, damnit.

Hmm. I refreshed my Gmail inbox and there's another word as the Word of the Day -- and I swear I've never seen it before in my life.


Nope, not that one either.




That one seems vaguely familiar...


That's a word?

Well, crap. I am the uneducated lummox I once believed myself to be.

Now I'm gonna have to start reading that top line of my inbox even if it isn't the funny quote version. Perhaps good will come of this. Yesterday it was a recipe for Spamloaf. I'm sure Ryan will be pleased.


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