


Monday, April 25

F That!

Cael got some magnet letters and numbers for the fridge. Right off the bat, he determined that Finn was not allowed to play with the letters, but he could play with the numbers if he had to play with something.

Cael: [Slides the F over with the numbers.]
Allie: [Slides it back.] F is a letter. It goes between the E and the G.
Cael: [Slides it to numbers.] No, Mama.
Allie: [Sings the song.] See? E, F, G.
Cael: No, Mama. F is for Finn!
Allie: [Slides it to letters.] Yes, that's right. F is for Finn!
Cael: [Slides it to numbers.]
Allie: F is a letter, not a number.
Cael: F is for Finn! Letters are for Cael!


Kathy says:
at: 9:35 PM said...

That's funny, great dialogue! Mom teaching son or son teaching mom? Hmmmmm

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The Fam

Ryan and Allie
Cael | 10
Finn | 8
Declan | 6


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